A Booktuber’s Guide for Beginning Comic Readers

Booktuber, Monica aka shemightbethemonica, shares us some of her tips for readers who wants to venture out into the comic book world. In the video, she also defines some terms that we might need to for comics as well. Check out the video below. Reporter: Ellen

Booktuber, Sasha Alsberg, is in “Seventeen Magazine”

Booktuber, Sasha Alsberg, announced some very exciting news today on her channel, abookutopia. In her video, she announced that she has a her own section in Seventeen Magazine with reviews on the latest and hottest YA books including the following: Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, Don’t Fail M Now by Una LaMarche, Flawd by Emily-Anne…

August Month of Readathons

This month is a month full of readathons you can join! Currently happening right now: Booktubeathon  The BooktubeaThon originally created by Ariel Bissett. This year’s BooktubeaThon is from August 3rd-9th. More information to the BooktubeaThon will be linked below along with the various challenges, hosts, and all things BooktubeaThon related. BooktubeaThon Information video: BooktubeaThon hosts:…

Upcoming Liveshows on YouTube!

Hello everyone! I’m excited to announce that there will be 2 liveshows that will be happening tomorrow and on Monday! From-Blog-to-Booktube liveshow: I will be updating you on the latest news in the #yalit community from books, movies, tv shows, and so much more! It’ll be the most epic liveshow yet! Tune in on Friday,…

From Blog-to-Booktube Liveshow: What’s Happening in YA community?

Hello everyone! I recently started a new segment on my booktube channel called “From Blog-to-Booktube” in which I deliver the latest YA bookish news from the blog to the booktube community. Basically, I’m taking the latest articles we’ve written here on the website and delivering it to the booktube community so everyone could be in…

Booktube Community Takes Over Facebook

The booktube community is an ever growing community on YouTube. These YouTubers call themselves ‘booktubers’ because their YouTube channel is primarily focused around books. Some booktubers are versatile and include videos about writing, fashion, and more! There have been several accounts on twitter, instagram, and tumblr dedicated to their favorite booktubers or they just talk…

BooKss 101 Hosts Round 5 of #RYBSAT

Do you have an overwhelming pile of books on your bookshelf that you need to get too but you just don’t have the time to get to them at all? Or are you in a reading slump? Well, fret no more because booktuber, Miranda from Books101, has an answer to your problem. Because of the…

Booktuber Polandbananasbooks Labeled as VidCon’s Featured Creators

I’d like to give Christine a big congrats for being listed as a featured creator for VidCon! Christine from Polandbananasbooks and other booktubers finally spoke up about having a booktube panel at last year’s VidCon & their voices were heard! Check out Christine’s videos: Reporter: Ellen

Celebrating Books 101 2 Yr Booktubeversary!

Booktuber, Miranda from BooKKss101, reaches her 2 year booktubeversary on July 3rd! Miranda’s first video was posted on July 3rd, 2013. Ever since the first day in the booktube community, her channel has grown to almost 3,400 subscribers! That’s an amazing number!! It’s not surprising that her booktube channel has grown to a huge milestone….

BookSplosion Takes Over YALL West 2015!

YALL West is coming to Southern California! I repeat: YALL West is coming to Southern California! YALL West is the sister festival of YALL Fest that occurs in Charleston. YALL West was founded by Margaret Stohl, author of the Caster Chronicles, and Melissa De La Cruz, author of Blue Bloods. This will be YALL West’s first year, and…

The Booktube Corner: How to Get ARCs?

Traditionally, authors and publishing companies would have a difficult time promoting their works because not many people would read books, especially young adult books. However, with many people migrating to the social media network, book bloggers and booktubers are gaining a wide range of audience. Publishing companies and authors sees this as an opportunity for…